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BQ34Z100-G1 17S/24AH 锂电池超阈值的配置问题

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ34Z100


17S/24AH的电池,满电voltage=71.4>65V, Design Energy=71.4*24000=1713600>32767,并且串数是奇数,所以确认下设置方法:

1、是不是应该将VOLTSET置1,serial number=17,然后校准电压值除以17(比如实际71.4V,校准时写成4.2V?),那么电压采集的精度岂不是降低了很多?

“As an example, if the actual number of series cells were 17,then the Number of Series Cells must be set to 17 and the voltage will be reported as a single cell.The VOLTSEL bit must be set in the Pack Configuration register.”

2、Design Energy 由于超的太多,需要缩小53倍以上!但是手册上建议<10倍。 那是不是应该,先将Design Capacity缩小10倍——2.4AH,然后将Design Energy也缩小6~10倍?或者先将Design Capacity缩小6倍,再讲Design Energy缩小10倍? Design Energy=71.4V*(24000/6)/10=28560,请问哪种缩放方式/比例 是最合理的?以我的理解,Design Capacity 应该尽量不缩小,这样精度会更高一些,对吗?

3、当然,如果问题1中 电压确实要缩小17倍,那么Design Energy和Design Capacity只需要其中一个缩小10倍就够了,那缩小哪一个最合适呢?
