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BQ78350-R1 电量读取值 与 实际电池使用容量 偏差较大

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76940, BQ78350-R1, BQ78350


第一次使用BQ78350-R1+BQ76940给13串30A【单节电芯三元18650 2400mAh 3.6V/4.2V,13S12P】+STM8 做保护板和电量监控。



  • 1. 电流采样有5%的测量误差, 建议做一下电流校准。 

  • 2. 看配置用的是fixed edv算法, 但是fixed EDV 2默认配置是3.5, 实际的应该在3.3V左右, fixed edv1 和fixed edv0 也需要做相应修改, 

  • 谢谢回复。


    1:如何看出是fixed edv算法?

    参照bq78350R1 technical reference.pdf;page.63

    If the [EDV_CMP] bit in CEDV Gauging Configuration is set, automatic EDV compensation is enabled(能否理解为 是CEDV和Fixed EDV自动切换?)

    and the bq78350-R1 computes the EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2 thresholds based on values stored in CEDV
    Cfg subclass of data flash and the battery's current discharge rate and temperature.

    However, if [FIXED_EDV0] bit in CEDV Gauging Configuration is set, then even if [EDV_CMP] = 1, then EDV0 is a
    fixed voltage value and is not compensated.

    按照配置中CEDV Configuration 为0X02 ,即Fixed_EDV0=0;EDV_CMP=0;此时应该是CEDV算法?



    The bq78350-R1 disables EDV detection if the measured battery discharge current (Current()) exceeds
    the Overload Current threshold, which is scaled by IPSCALE. The bq78350-R1 resumes EDV threshold
    detection after C drops below the Overload Current threshold. Any EDV threshold detected is reset after
    charge is applied and [VDQ] is then cleared after RC has increased by a value of 10, which is scaled by

    这里的CEDV CFG——OverCurrent(现在设定为5000mA) 和OCD中Threshold 电流(现在设定为30000mA)区别?

  • 你好,请问下咱们的电池老化仪是自己研制的还是外购的?想做电池放电,记录数据,没找到合适的放电设备。多谢。