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1 stack分配是根据在子函数中用到的最大的局部变量,比如数组大小来分配的么?而heap分配是根据malloc分配内存的和来计算得么?


3比如我分配动态分配内存用的形式是 "ping = (Uint16*)MEM_alloc(DDR2HEAP,sizeof(Uint16)*roLength,32)", 所以第一个参数需要指定heap位置,如果2中没有指定位置,我第一个参数该怎么写


-stack 0x00001800 /* Stack Size */
-heap 0x00001800 /* Heap Size */

L2RAM: o = 0x10800000 l = 0x00020000
DDR2: o = 0x80000000 l = 0x10000000
Flash: o = 0x90000000 l = 0x00400000

.bss > L2RAM
.cinit > L2RAM
.cio > L2RAM
.const > L2RAM
.data > L2RAM
.far > L2RAM
.stack > DDR2
.switch > L2RAM
.sysmem > L2RAM
.text > L2RAM
.ddr2 > DDR2
.buffer > DDR2

.bss > DDR2
.cinit > DDR2
.cio > DDR2
.const > DDR2
.data > DDR2
.far > DDR2
.stack > DDR2
.switch > DDR2
.sysmem > DDR2
.text > DDR2

  • memory section manager

    Q: Why users are not allowed to call MEM functions (MEM_alloc, MEM_stat etc) from an HWI or SWI?

    Memory management functions ( MEM_alloc(), MEM_stat(), MEM_free()) are blocking calls. This is because the functions require the caller to acquire a lock to the memory before proceeding. In case the MEM functions fail to get a lock to the memory, there is a context switch. A call to a SWI or HWI routine should be non-blocking in nature and hence TI recommends that customer should not call MEM functions inside a SWI or HWI. In case the user makes blocking calls (MEM calls) inside a SWI or HWI, the behavior is not guaranteed. Making any blocking calls from a HWI or SWI can affect the real time response of the system.

  • 请不要重复发帖,谢谢。

  • 好的,谢谢大哥回答