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.include ""


; predefined stack operation modes
; USE_RETA : 2x16-bit fast return mode (RETA used)
; NO_RETA : 2x16-bit slow return mode (RETA not used)
; C54X_STK : 32-bit fast return mode

.global dma_isr
;.global _SAR_Isr
;.global _I2S0_TX_Isr
;.global _I2S1_RX_Isr

.sect "vector"
.align 256

;* Other interrupt vector definitions go here
.def _RST
_RST: .ivec reset_isr, USE_RETA; Reset / Software Interrupt #0

NMI: .ivec reset_isr ; Nonmaskable Interrupt

INT0: .ivec dummy_isr ; External User Interrupt #0

INT1: .ivec dummy_isr ; External User Interrupt #1

TINT0: .ivec dummy_isr ; Timer #0 / Software Interrupt #4

;PROG0: .ivec _I2S0_TX_Isr ; Programmable 0 Interrupt
PROG0: .ivec dummy_isr ; Programmable 0 Interrupt

UART: .ivec dummy_isr ; IIS #1 Receive Interrupt

PROG1: .ivec dummy_isr ; Programmable 1 Interrupt

DMA: .ivec dma_isr ; DMA Interrupt

;DMA: .ivec dummy_isr ; DMA Interrupt

PROG2: .ivec dummy_isr ; Programmable 2 Interrupt

COPROCFFT: .ivec dummy_isr ; Coprocessor FFT Module Interrupt

;PROG3: .ivec _I2S1_RX_Isr ; Programmable 3 Interrupt
PROG3: .ivec dummy_isr ; Programmable 3 Interrupt

LCD: .ivec dummy_isr ; LCD Interrupt

SARADC: .ivec dummy_isr ; SAR ADC Interrupt

XMIT2: .ivec dummy_isr ; I2S2 Tx Interrupt

RCV2: .ivec dummy_isr ; I2S2 Rx Interrupt

XMIT3: .ivec dummy_isr ; I2S3 Tx Interrupt

RCV3: .ivec dummy_isr ; I2S3 Rx Interrupt

RTC: .ivec dummy_isr ; RTC interrupt

SPI: .ivec dummy_isr ; SPI Receive Interrupt

USB: .ivec dummy_isr ; USB Transmit Interrupt

GPIO: .ivec dummy_isr ; GPIO Interrupt

EMIF: .ivec dummy_isr ; EMIF Interrupt

I2C: .ivec dummy_isr ; IIC interrupt

IV24: .ivec dummy_isr ; Bus error interrupt

; .ref _DLOGINT_isr
IV25: .ivec dummy_isr ; Data log (RTDX) interrupt

; .ref _RTOSINT_isr
IV26: .ivec dummy_isr ; Real-time OS interrupt
IV27: .ivec dummy_isr ; General-purpose software-only interrupt
IV28: .ivec dummy_isr ; General-purpose software-only interrupt
IV29: .ivec dummy_isr ; General-purpose software-only interrupt
IV30: .ivec dummy_isr ; General-purpose software-only interrupt
IV31: .ivec dummy_isr ; General-purpose software-only interrupt

;* Reset

.def reset_isr
.ref _c_int00

.align 2
; *port(#0x1C01) = #0x0 ; Clear idles
bit (ST1, #11) = #1 ; Disable interrupts
@IVPD_L = #(_RST >> 8) || mmap()
@IVPH_L = #(_RST >> 8) || mmap()
bit(ST3,#7) = #0 ; Clear bus error interrupts
bit(ST3,#2) = #0 ; turn on clockout port
bit(ST1,#13) = #0 ; shut off XF port

@#IFR0_L = #0xffff || mmap() ; clear all pending interrupts
@#IFR1_L = #0xffff || mmap()


; Reset all peripherals
*port(#0x1C04) = 0x1
*port(#0x1C05) = 0x00FB ; Reset all peripherals

; Enalbe EMIF

*port(IDLE_PCGCR) = #0x0

;/* Config EMIF - System Control Regsiter */
*port(#0x1C33) = #0x0

;// for SRAM in memory card (Async_CE1)
;/* Config EMIF - ASYNC Regsiters */
*port(#0x1004) = #0x0080
*port(#0x1005) = #0x00E4

;/* Configure as 16-bit data bus */
;// Async4 ==> Async_CE1 (SRAM)
*port(#0x101C) = #0x40AD
*port(#0x101D) = #0x0020

;// Async3 ==> Async_CE0(Flash)
*port(#0x1018) = #0xFFFD
*port(#0x1019) = #0x3FFF

;// do not assign Async_CE0 and Async_CE1 for NAND
*port(#0x1060) = #0x0003

;// Turn off page mode for all Chip Selects
*port(#0x1068) = #0xFCFC
*port(#0x1069) = #0xFCFC

goto _c_int00

** Name : no_isr **
** **
** Purpose : Spurious interrupt handler **
** **
** Author : **
** **
no_isr: goto no_isr
dma_isr: goto dma_isr

