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各位专家,现在用ccs5.3开发5534,用hex55生成的bin文件烧入Flash重启后跑飞,表现为JTAG再也连不上,检查bin文件内容后发现按照sprabl7c中的表2,其第4Word为register Configuration count,应该是1~2^16-1,但bin文件中却是0,见附件,这是否是导致跑飞的原因?应该怎么解决?谢谢!

  • 这个值是由转换命令cmd文件里的-reg_config后面跟的参数的个数决定的。如果没加就是0.

    比如下面这样生成的bin,就会是00 09,如果把下面绿色这一行去掉就是00 00.

    -reg_config 0x1c33,0,0x1c02,0,0x1c03,0,0x1010,1,0x1011,0
    -o C550xXFLEDtestRaw_3conf.bin

  • 补充请教:



    Another common mistake is allocating program code to SARAM31 memory. The bootloader writes to SARAM31 (byte address 0x4E000 – 0x4FFFF) thus any user code residing in SARAM31 will be corrupted. Do not use SARAM31 if you intend to convert this code to a boot image. Once the bootloader has finished loading the program into RAM, SARAM31 can be used.