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Can't Single Step Target Program,Trouble Reading Memory Block,这些错误是由啥引起的?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C5517

C55xx: Can't Single Step Target Program: Error 0xA0000022/-1138 Error during: Memory, Execution, Processor aborted debug context.
C55xx: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0x4008 on Page 2 of Length 0x1: Error 0x80000002/-1143 Fatal Error during: Memory, The memory at 0x00008010 continually indicated it was 'not ready' All memory operations currently in progress were aborted in order to regain control of the processor. This is considered a catastrophic event, but the debugger should still be able to access memory and CPU registers. System state has been altered. It is strongly advised that the processor should be reset before resuming execution,
C55xx: Can't Single Step Target Program: Error 0x80000022/-1138 Fatal Error during: Memory, Execution, Processor aborted debug context.
C55xx: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging



Peripheral Clock Gating Control Register


void mcbsp_Init()
SPCRL = 0x0000; //RRST=0,Receiver in reset
PCRL = 0x0f00; //FSXM=CLKXM=1,发送时钟和帧同步由内部驱动
SRGRL = 0x0103; //设置发送时钟速率
SRGRU = 0x3011; //CLKSM=1;选择CPU时钟为参考时钟
XCRL = 0x0040; //对发送控制寄存器1进行设置
XCRU = 0x0001; //对发送控制寄存器2进行设置
RCRL = 0x0040; //对接收控制寄存器1进行设置
RCRU = 0x0001; //对接收控制寄存器2进行设置
MCRL = 0x0001; //对多通道控制寄存器1进行设置
MCRU = 0x0001; //对多通道控制寄存器2进行设置

SPCRU = 0x0040; //GRST=1,启动采样速率发生器。
SPCRU = 0x00c1; //FRST=1,启动帧同步
SPCRL = 0x0001; //RRST=1,启动接收器

  • 请问是EVM板还是自己的板子?是跑到哪块代码出现这个问题?

  • 是C5517EVM,代码是在正常的代码上(意思是这个代码能跑,没问题),加上McBSP的初始化,结果一跑到初始化就出错了。只要一涉及MCBSps的寄存器就出错。

  • 请看一下EBSR寄存器的值?mcbsp和i2s, gpio, mmc接口是管脚复用的,在使用前需要在EBSR寄存器里先设置成mcbsp功能,具体请参考下面的EBSR介绍。 External Bus Selection Register (EBSR)

  • 这个我注意到了,也配置好了,但是还是不行,上面的错误就是我管脚复用配置好后的错误提示。

    /* Enable clocks to all peripherals */
    SYS_PCGCR1 = 0x0000;
    SYS_PCGCR2 = 0x0000;
    /* Configure Serial Port 0 */
    SYS_EXBUSSEL &= ~0x0300; //
    SYS_EXBUSSEL |= 0x8300; // Enable McBSP pins
    SYS_PRCNTRLR &= ~0x0040; // Make sure McBSP is out of reset


  • 看了一下EVM板的原理图,mcbsp管脚没有引出来,怎么判断功能没有实现?

  • 多谢了!

    这个测试功能不是使用loop back功能吗?


    Peripheral Clock Stop Request/Acknowledge Register 1 (CLKSTOP1)

    Peripheral Clock Stop Request/Acknowledge Register 2 (CLKSTOP2)

    #define preg1 *(volatile ioport Uint16*)(0x1c3a)
    #define preg2 *(volatile ioport Uint16*)(0x1c3b)

    preg1 = 0;
    preg2 = 0;



    最后,配置完成,loop back模式没成功,即数据发出去,但是接收不到,是因为管脚没引出来的问题?


  • 1. 可以查一下在配置前,CLKSTOP1, CLKSTOP2的值是不是为0?

    2. LPBK设成1了吗?用DLB模式的话,跟管脚引不引出来没关系。