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想问下TI提供的interrupt.c和intvecs.asm这两个函数怎么确定服务子程序入口地址的。   intcVectorTable具体的地址是由什么去决定的

 void IntDSPINTCInit (void)
    unsigned int step = 0;

    /* Set ISRs to default "do-nothing" routine */
   while(step != C674X_INT_COUNT)
        c674xISRtbl[step++] = IntDefaultHandler;

    /* Set interrupt service table pointer to the vector table */
#ifdef __TI_EABI__
    ISTP = (unsigned int)_intcVectorTable;
    ISTP = (unsigned int)intcVectorTable;
   // ISTP = (unsigned int)0x00800000;

    /* Clear pending CPU maskable interrupts (if any) */
    ICR = 0xFFF0;

    /* Enable NMIE bit to allow CPU maskable interrupts */
    IER = (1 << C674X_NMI);

//intvecs.asm   代码
; File: intvecs.asm
; Brief: Contains interrupt vector table and fetch packets
; Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated -

;				Global Symbols
	.global _intcVectorTable
	.global _c_int00
	.global _c674x_nmi_isr
	.global _c674x_rsvd_int2_isr
	.global _c674x_rsvd_int3_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int4_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int5_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int6_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int7_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int8_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int9_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int10_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int11_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int12_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int13_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int14_isr
	.global _c674x_mask_int15_isr

;				Interrupt Fetch Packet
VEC_ENTRY .macro addr
	STW B0,*--B15
	MVKL addr,B0
	MVKH addr,B0
	B B0
	LDW *B15++,B0
	NOP 2

;				Interrupt Vector Table
	.align 1024
	VEC_ENTRY _c_int00
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_nmi_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_rsvd_int2_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_rsvd_int3_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int4_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int5_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int6_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int7_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int8_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int9_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int10_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int11_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int12_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int13_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int14_isr
	VEC_ENTRY _c674x_mask_int15_isr