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TMS320C6455_EDMA3使用官方手动触发产生中断配置例程一直死在    hParamBasic = CSL_edma3GetParamHandle(hChannel,0,NULL);配置不成功


/* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied.
* ===========================================================================

/** ============================================================================
* @file Edma_interrupt_example.c
* @path $(CSLPATH)\example\edma\edma_interrupt\src
* @desc Example of EDMA
* ============================================================================
* @n Target Platform: EVM
* ============================================================================
* @n <b> Example Description </b>
* @n This is an example of the CSL EDMA usage along with interrupts
* in the context of a shadow region and illustrates a sample EDMA
* interrupt handler implementation. This example,
* 1. Initializes the CSL EDMA module
* 2. Intializes and Sets up the Intc Module for EDMA module
* 3. Opens and Sets up Edma module to default values
* 4. Opens EDMA channel 0 in the region 1
* 5. Sets up the EDMA PARAM using CSL_edma3ParamSetup() API
* 6. Enable the Edma interupt and Channel
* 7. Manually triggers the channel 0
* 8. Waits for EDMA transfer to complete
* 9. Does the data comparision to ensure the transffered data is proper
* or not and
* 10. Displays the messages based on step 9
* =============================================================================
* <b> Procedure to run the example </b>
* @verbatim
* 1. Configure the CCS setup to work with the emulator being used
* 2. Please refer CCS manual for setup configuration and loading
* proper GEL file
* 3. Launch CCS window
* 4. Open project Edma_interrupt_example.pjt
* 5. Build the project and load the .out file of the project.
* @endverbatim

/* =============================================================================
* Revision History
* ===============
* 08-Jul-2005 Ruchika Kharwar File Created
* 16-Dec-2005 ds Updated documentation
* 28-Mar-2006 ds Added code to disable the region 1 access at
* the end of example
* ============================================================================

#include <stdio.h>
#include <csl_edma3.h>
#include <csl_intc.h>
#include <soc.h>
#include <edmaCommon.h>

/* Intc declaration */
CSL_IntcContext intcContext;
CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord EventHandler[30];
CSL_IntcObj intcObjEdma;
CSL_IntcHandle hIntcEdma;
CSL_IntcGlobalEnableState state;
CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord EventRecord;
CSL_IntcParam vectId;

/* Globals */
Uint8 srcBuff[512];
Uint8 dstBuff[512];
volatile Uint32 intFlag = 0;
Uint32 passStatus = 1;

/* Edma handle */
CSL_Edma3Handle hModule;

/* Forward declaration */
void tcc1Fxn(void);
void edma_interrupt_example (void);

* =============================================================================
* @func main
* @desc
* This is the main routine for the file.
* =============================================================================
void main(void)
/* Invoking a example */
edma_interrupt_example ();


* =============================================================================
* @func edma_interrupt_example
* @arg
* @desc
* This is the example routine which perform edma interrupt.
* It implements following steps
* 1. Intializes and Opens the Edma and Intc module.
* 2. Sets up the interrupt for the edma Regoin1.
* 3. Sets up the edma module using the API csl_edma3Hwsetup ()
* 4. Enables the edma region1 using CSL_EDMA3_CMD_DMAREGION_ENABLE.
* 5. Opens the channel 0 and get the param handle.
* 6. Sets up the edma param entry
* 7. Enables the edma interrupt using CSL_EDMA3_CMD_INTR_ENABLE.
* 8. Enables the channel using CSL_EDMA3_CMD_CHANNEL_ENABLE
* 9. Manually trigger the channel using CSL_EDMA3_CMD_CHANNEL_SET.
* 10. Waits for transfer to complete.
* 11. Compares the data in the destination buffer is proper or not.
* 12. Closes the edma module and channel.
* @return
* =============================================================================
void edma_interrupt_example (void)
CSL_Edma3HwSetup hwSetup;
CSL_Edma3Obj edmaObj;
CSL_Edma3ParamHandle hParamBasic;
CSL_Edma3ChannelObj chObj;
CSL_Edma3CmdIntr regionIntr;
CSL_Edma3CmdDrae regionAccess;
CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle hChannel;
CSL_Edma3ParamSetup myParamSetup;
CSL_Edma3Context context;
CSL_Edma3ChannelAttr chAttr;
CSL_Status status;
CSL_Edma3HwDmaChannelSetup dmahwSetup;
Uint32 loopIndex;

/* Initialize data buffers */
for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < 512; loopIndex++) {
srcBuff[loopIndex] = loopIndex;
dstBuff[loopIndex] = 0;

/* Module initialization */
status = CSL_edma3Init(&context);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma module initialization failed\n");

/* Intc module initialization */
intcContext.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler;
intcContext.numEvtEntries = 10;

/* Enable NMIs */

/* Enable global interrupts */

/* Opening a intc handle for edma event */
hIntcEdma = CSL_intcOpen (&intcObjEdma, CSL_INTC_EVENTID_EDMA3CC_INT1, \
&vectId , NULL);

/* Edma module open */
hModule = CSL_edma3Open(&edmaObj,CSL_EDMA3,NULL,&status);
if ( (hModule == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK)) {
printf ("Edma module open failed\n");

/* Edma module setup */
dmahwSetup.paramNum = 0;
dmahwSetup.que = CSL_EDMA3_QUE_0;
hwSetup.dmaChaSetup = &dmahwSetup;
hwSetup.qdmaChaSetup = NULL;
status = CSL_edma3HwSetup(hModule,&hwSetup);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Hardware setup failed\n");
CSL_edma3Close (hModule);

/* Setup the DRAE masks
* DRAE enable(Bits 0-15) for the shadow region 1.
regionAccess.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_1 ;
regionAccess.drae = 0xFFFF ;
regionAccess.draeh = 0x0000 ;
status = CSL_edma3HwControl(hModule,CSL_EDMA3_CMD_DMAREGION_ENABLE, \
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf("Edma region enable command failed\n");

/* Channel open */
chAttr.regionNum = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_1;
chAttr.chaNum = CSL_EDMA3_CHA_DSP_EVT;
hChannel = CSL_edma3ChannelOpen(&chObj, CSL_EDMA3, &chAttr, &status);
if ( (hChannel == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK)) {
printf ("Edma channel open failed\n");

/* Get the parameter handle */
hParamBasic = CSL_edma3GetParamHandle(hChannel,0,NULL);
if (hParamBasic == NULL) {
printf("Edma get param handle failed\n");

/* Edma parameter entry Setup */
myParamSetup.option = CSL_EDMA3_OPT_MAKE(CSL_EDMA3_ITCCH_DIS, \
myParamSetup.srcAddr = (Uint32)srcBuff;
myParamSetup.aCntbCnt = CSL_EDMA3_CNT_MAKE(512,1);
myParamSetup.dstAddr = (Uint32)dstBuff;
myParamSetup.srcDstBidx = CSL_EDMA3_BIDX_MAKE(0,0);
myParamSetup.srcDstCidx = CSL_EDMA3_CIDX_MAKE(0,0);
myParamSetup.cCnt = 1;
status = CSL_edma3ParamSetup(hParamBasic,&myParamSetup);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma param setup failed\n");

/* Association of an EDMA event handler with the INTC routine */
EventRecord.handler = &eventEdmaHandler;
EventRecord.arg = (void*)(hModule);

/* Enabling event edma */

/* Hook up the EDMA event with an completion code function handler */
EdmaEventHook(1, tcc1Fxn);

/* Enable interrupts */
regionIntr.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_1 ;
regionIntr.intr = 0x2 ;
regionIntr.intrh = 0x0 ;
status = CSL_edma3HwControl(hModule,CSL_EDMA3_CMD_INTR_ENABLE,&regionIntr);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma interrupt enable command failed\n");

/* Manually trigger the channel */
status = CSL_edma3HwChannelControl(hChannel,CSL_EDMA3_CMD_CHANNEL_SET,NULL);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma channel set command failed\n");

/* Wait for completion */
while (!intFlag);

/* Disable the region 1 access */
regionAccess.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_1 ;
regionAccess.drae = 0xFFFF ;
regionAccess.draeh = 0x0000 ;
status = CSL_edma3HwControl(hModule,CSL_EDMA3_CMD_DMAREGION_DISABLE, \

/* Verify destination buffer to be equal to the source buffer */
if(Verify_Transfer(512, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, srcBuff, dstBuff,TRUE) == FALSE)
passStatus = 0;

if (passStatus == 1)
printf ("<<EXAMPLE PASSED>>: Edma Interrupt Example Passed\n");

printf ("=============================================================\n");

/* Channel close */
status = CSL_edma3ChannelClose(hChannel);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma channle close failed\n");

/* Edma module close */
status = CSL_edma3Close(hModule);
if (status != CSL_SOK) {
printf ("Edma module close failed\n");


* =============================================================================
* @func tcc1Fxn
* @arg
* @desc
* This is the interrupt service routine for edma interrupt
* @return
* =============================================================================
void tcc1Fxn(void)

intFlag = 1;
