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CCS 5.2.1报错,已经超过一个星期没解决了,求助工程师帮助啊

Description Resource Path Location Type
<a href="file:/D:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/5.html">#5</a> could not open source file "ti/csl/csl_bootcfg.h" test1 line 45, external location: D:\ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_5\packages\ti\csl\csl_bootcfgAux.h C/C++ Problem
<a href="file:/D:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/5.html">#5</a> could not open source file "ti/csl/cslr.h" test1 line 42, external location: D:\ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_5\packages\ti\csl\cslr_gpio.h C/C++ Problem




已经包含了文件路径了,用的编译器 是 7.4.6。还是会错,跪求解决方法啊,我看网上也没有好的解决方法