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  • 对了,上面的地址代表的是偏移地址,比如DM368的EMIF物理地址是,0X4000000,那么上面的地址就是0x4000000+0x22,0x4000000+0x10,0x4000000+0x20……

  • MU MU1 说:


    你使用的是哪种地址增加模式?下面的信息可以在dm36x的edma user guide里找到:

    The 32-bit source address parameter specifies the starting byte address of the source. For SAM in
    increment mode, there are no alignment restrictions imposed by EDMA3. For SAM in constant addressing
    mode, you must program the source address to be aligned to a 256-bit aligned address (5 LSBs of
    address must be 0).

    The 32-bit destination address parameter specifies the starting byte address of the destination. For DAM
    in increment mode, there are no alignment restrictions imposed by EDMA3. For DAM in constant
    addressing mode, you must program the destination address to be aligned to a 256-bit aligned address (5
    LSBs of address must be 0).

  • wo们是用EMIF口和FPGA连接,EDMA传输数据到FPGA上,这个地址代表的就是地址偏移,这几句话就是我要的答案,非常感谢