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8148/8127 引脚复用中的M0/M1 是什么意思?

手册 4.2节 中 "(M0)" represents multimuxed option "0" for this pin function, "(M1)" represents multimuxed option "1" for this pin function, ... etc.

M0 M1是什么意思,在哪里设置的?

之后的PINCNTLx Registers MUXMODE Functions 中一个功能引脚对应多个PIN,比如GP0[20]

GP0[20]对应 F2(PINCNTL49)以及 AC22(PINCNTL166)两个PIN,而这两个PIN的控制寄存器分别为

不同点就是一个注了 M0 一个注了 M1。这到底是什么意思?



  • 你好,


  • 你好,哪里有关于这个M0 M1的说明,手册里没有看到啊?

    M0 和 M1到底是什么,有什么区别?


  • The difference between using MM0 and MM1, taking for example the GP1[16] signal, is that when you use GP1[16] signal in MM0 (MultiMuxed0 mode), you are routing the signal to pin AC28. And when you use GP1[16] signal in MM1 (MultiMuxed1 mode), you are routing the signal to pin AD3.

    Actually, there is no way to set the MM0 & MM1. If customer wants to use the muxmode set 0, then they would have to use the pins that are in that set.  In the example above, if they want to use mux set 0 for the GP1 pins, then for pin GP1 [16] they would use pin AC28 from mux set 0 and not pin AD3 from mux set 1.