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DM8127 H.264 error message

Dear all,

DM8127在我設定352X240放一段時間後就出現以下紅色部份的error log, encode就停掉了,請問能否可以提供建議。

static Int enclink_h264_set_dynamic_params(IH264ENC_DynamicParams *
                                           EncLink_AlgDynamicParams *
    dynamicParams->videnc2DynamicParams.ignoreOutbufSizeFlag = XDAS_TRUE;
    dynamicParams->videnc2DynamicParams.getBufferFxn =
DM8127會進入enclink_h264_dummy_get_buffer_fxn, 而導致encode stop
以下是error log
[m3video] ENCLINK:H264Enc !!WARNING!!!Unable to handle runtime output buffer request
[m3video] Extended error 18400 for reqObjIndex 0
[m3video] 2634333:WARN
[m3video] ENCLINK:ERROR in Enclink_h264EncodeFrameBatch.Status[-1] for IVAHD_0
[m3video] 2634333:WARN
[m3video] ENC : IVAHDID : 0 ENCLINK:ERROR in EncLink_SubmitBatch.Status[-1]