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McASP 从一个串行器改为三个串行器需要修改哪些配置?


  • 引脚没引出来肯定不能用了。软件上还是可以配置运行,但数据是无效的。

  • 引脚是引出来的,我的意思是之前在开发板上是一个串行器工作。现在在自己的板子上,需要要三个串行器发数据。


  • 你得描述一下你是怎么修改的啊。几个串行器,则一次发送事件要给发送数据寄存器送几个数。 Transfers through the DMA Port
    To perform internal transfers through the DMA port, clear XBUSEL/RBUSEL bit
    to 0 in the respective XFMT/RFMT registers. Failure to do so will result in
    software malfunction.
    Typically, you will access the McASP XRBUF registers through the DMA port. To access through the DMA
    port, simply have the CPU or DMA access the XRBUF through its DMA port location. See your devicespecific
    data manual for the exact memory address. Through the DMA port, the DMA/CPU can service all
    the serializers through a single address. The McASP automatically cycles through the appropriate
    For transmit operations through the DMA port, the DMA/CPU should write to the same XBUF DMA port
    address to service all of the active transmit serializers. In addition, the DMA/CPU should write to the XBUF
    for all active transmit serializers in incremental (although not necessarily consecutive) order. For example,
    if serializers 0, 4, 5, and 7 are set up as active transmitters, the DMA/CPU should write to the XBUF DMA
    port address four times with data for serializers 0, 4, 5, and 7 upon each transmit data ready event. This
    exact servicing order must be followed so that data appears in the appropriate serializers.
    Similarly, for receive operations through the DMA port, the DMA/CPU should read from the same RBUF
    DMA port address to service all of the active receive serializers. In addition, reads from the active receive
    serializers through the DMA port return data in incremental (although not necessarily consecutive) order.
    For example, if serializers 1, 2, 3, and 6 are set up as active receivers, the DMA/CPU should read from
    the RBUF DMA port address four times to obtain data for serializers 1, 2, 3, and 6 in this exact order,
    upon each receive data ready event.
    When transmitting, the DMA/CPU must write data to each serializer configured as "active" and "transmit"
    within each time slot. Failure to do so results in a buffer underrun condition (Section
    Similarly, when receiving, data must be read from each serializer configured as "active" and "receive"
    within each time slot. Failure to do results in a buffer overrun condition (Section
    To perform internal transfers through the DMA port, clear XBUSEL/RBUSEL bit to 0 in the respective
    XFMT/RFMT registers.

  • 您好,我为这个数据下溢的问题烦恼一个月了,请您指导一下。我是配置了四个串行器,两个输入,两个输出。数据格式皆是32位的,一次发送事件给发送数据寄存器送两个数。


    mcasp->regs->GBLCTL = 0; // Reset
    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL = 0; // Reset RX
    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL = 0; // Reset TX
    mcasp->regs->PWRDEMU = 1; // Free-running

    // RX
    mcasp->regs->RMASK = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
    mcasp->regs->RFMT = 0
    | (0x2<<16) //2延时
    | (1 <<15) //先接收MSB
    | (0x0<<13) //pad extra bits with 0
    | (0x0<<8) //pad with bite 0 value
    | (0xf<<4) //接收slot的长度为32位
    | (0 <<3) //读取的XRBUF源于DMA,忽略外围引脚接口
    | (0 <<0); //不进行向右旋转;
    // MSB 16bit, 2-delay, pad 0, DMA

    mcasp->regs->AFSRCTL = 0
    | (0x2<<7) //2个时隙TDM模式,
    | (1<<4) //接收帧长一个字,
    | (1<<1) //内部产生发送帧同步信号,
    | (0<<0); //AFSX的上升沿代表一个帧的开始

    mcasp->regs->ACLKRCTL = 0x000000A4; // Rising INTERNAL CLK,(from tx side), 5分频,1010 0100
    mcasp->regs->AHCLKRCTL = 0x00008000; // INT CLK (from tx side) 1000 0000 0000 0000
    mcasp->regs->RTDM = 0x00000003; // Slots 0, 1
    mcasp->regs->RINTCTL = 0x00000000; // Not used
    mcasp->regs->RCLKCHK = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256
    mcasp->regs->REVTCTL = 0;

    // TX
    mcasp->regs->XMASK = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
    mcasp->regs->XFMT = 0
    | (0x2<<16) //2延时
    | (1 <<15) //先接收MSB
    | (0x0<<13) //pad extra bits with 0
    | (0x0<<8) //pad with bite 0 value
    | (0xf<<4) //接收slot的长度为32位
    | (0 <<3) //读取的XRBUF源于DMA,忽略外围引脚接口
    | (0 <<0); //不进行向右旋转;
    // MSB 16bit, 2-delay, pad 0, DMA
    mcasp->regs->AFSXCTL = 0
    | (0x2<<7) //2个时隙TDM模式,
    | (1<<4) //接收帧长一个字,
    | (1<<1) //内部产生发送帧同步信号,
    | (0<<0); //AFSX的上升沿代表一个帧的开始

    mcasp->regs->ACLKXCTL = 0x00000064; // ASYNC, Rising INTERNAL CLK, div-by-5 0110 0100
    mcasp->regs->AHCLKXCTL = 0x00008000; // INT CLK
    mcasp->regs->XTDM = 0x00000003; // Slots 0, 1
    mcasp->regs->XINTCTL = 0x00000000; // Not used
    mcasp->regs->XCLKCHK = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256
    mcasp->regs->XEVTCTL = 0;

    mcasp->regs->SRCTL0 = 0x000E; // MCASP0.AXR0[0] --> DIN
    mcasp->regs->SRCTL1 = 0x000E; // MCASP0.AXR0[1] --> DIN
    mcasp->regs->SRCTL2 = 0x000D; // MCASP0.AXR0[2] <-- DOUT
    mcasp->regs->SRCTL3 = 0x000D; // MCASP0.AXR0[3] <-- DOUT

    mcasp->regs->PFUNC = 0; // All MCASPs
    mcasp->regs->PDIR = 0xB400000C; // All inputs except ACLKR0, ACLKX0, AFSR0, AFSX0, AXR[2],AXR[3]

    mcasp->regs->DITCTL = 0x00000000; // Not used
    mcasp->regs->DLBCTL = 0x00000000; // Not used
    mcasp->regs->AMUTE = 0x00000000; // Not used

    // Starting sections of the McASP
    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON; // HS Clk
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON );

    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON; // HS Clk
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON );

    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON; // Clk
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON );
    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON; // Clk
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON );

    /* setup_edma_pingpong_rcv(mcasp_rcv_register, rcv_ping_L, rcv_pong_L,
    rcv_ping_R, rcv_pong_R,

    setup_edma_pingpong_xmt(xmt_ping_L, xmt_pong_L,
    xmt_ping_R, xmt_pong_R, mcasp_xmt_register,

    // LOG_printf(&trace, "[audio TSK]: set up EDMA fine!");

    // EdmaEnableChannel(EDMA_MCASPRXCH, 0);
    // EdmaEnableChannel(EDMA_MCASPTXCH, 0);

    // LOG_printf(&trace, "[audio TSK]: EDMA channel enabled!");

    // EdmaIntEnable(EDMA_RCV_PING_TCC);
    // EdmaIntEnable(EDMA_RCV_PONG_TCC);
    // EdmaIntEnable(EDMA_XMT_PING_TCC);
    // EdmaIntEnable(EDMA_XMT_PONG_TCC);

    mcasp->regs->XSTAT = 0x0000ffff; // Clear all
    mcasp->regs->RSTAT = 0x0000ffff; // Clear all

    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON; // Serialize
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON );
    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON; // Serialize
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON );

    // Write a 0, so that no underrun occurs after releasing the state machine
    mcasp->regs->XBUF2 = 0;
    mcasp->regs->XBUF3 = 0;
    mcasp->regs->RBUF0 = 0;
    mcasp->regs->RBUF1 = 0;

    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON; // State Machine
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON );
    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON; // State Machine
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON );

    mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XFRST_ON; // Frame Sync
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XFRST_ON );
    mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RFRST_ON; // Frame Sync
    while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RFRST_ON );
    // LOG_printf(&trace, "[MCASP]: mcasp finished...");

    // if(mcasp->regs->RSTAT & 00000001==1)
    // mcasp->regs->RSTAT = 0x0000ffff;


    // End of File mcasp.c