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OMAP L138 arm boot dsp问题,arm访问不了DSP L2的ram?

我的启动过程是把DSP.out  转成boot table的并文件,使用hex6x来转换的 -boot选项

然后在arm上 再以boot table的方式 把对应的data搬到对应的dest,搬移以后对dsp进行reset 和wakeup。

但是发现dsp 没有起来, 我dsp的程序是在L2 ram上运行的, 入口地址是0x0080000,我试着再把L2 ram上的代码出来,就发现读出来的全是0.


  • //
     unsigned int entry_point = 0;
     unsigned int SectionLenth =0;
     unsigned int SectionAddress;
     unsigned int * p_SectionAddress;
     unsigned int data;
     int i;
     //Entry point of DSP .out
     printf("Loading DSP .bin \n");
     //move code to ram
     //get entry point
     fread((&entry_point), 4, 1, fPtr);
     fread((&SectionLenth), 4, 1, fPtr);
         fread((&SectionAddress), 4, 1, fPtr);
         p_SectionAddress = (unsigned int * )SectionAddress;
          fread((&data), 4, 1, fPtr);
          * p_SectionAddress = data;
         fread((&SectionLenth), 4,1, fPtr);
        }while(SectionLenth != 0x0);
        //*(unsigned int *)0x80000000 = 0x12345678;
        //data = *(unsigned int *)0x80000000;
     KICK0Ra = 0x83e70b13; //Open Permissions to SYSCFG Registers
     KICK1Ra = 0x95A4F1E0; //(Not required for PG2.0 silicon and above)
     //Set DSP boot address vector to entry point of DSP program. This must be aligned to 1KB boundaries
     HOST1CFG = entry_point;
     //Wake up the DSP
     //set PSC0.MDCTL15 to to enable the clocks and all transitioning from the SwRstDisable state to Enable state
     CSL_PSC_0_MDCTL_15 = (((CSL_PSC_0_MDCTL_15) & (~ (0x0000001Fu))) | 0x03u);
     //set (PSC0.PTCMD) to start the state transition sequence for the DSP module
     CSL_PSC_0_PTCMD = (((CSL_PSC_0_PTCMD) & ( ~0x00000002u)) | 0x20u );
     //Check GOSTAT[1] bit in (PSC0.PTSTAT) for power transition sequence completion
     while((((CSL_PSC_0_PTSTART) & 0x00000002u) >> 1) == 1);
     //Wait for the STATE bit  in  (PSC0.MDSTAT15) to change to 3h.
     while( ((CSL_PSC_0_MDSTAT_15) & 0x3F) != 0x3u );
     //Write a 1 to the LRST bit in PSC0.MDCTL15 to release the DSP local reset
     CSL_PSC_0_MDCTL_15 = ((CSL_PSC_0_MDCTL_15) | 0x00000100u);

  • //DSP wake
    #define SYS_BASE            0x01C14000
    #define KICK0Ra             *(unsigned int*)(SYS_BASE + 0x038)
    #define KICK1Ra             *(unsigned int*)(SYS_BASE + 0x03c)
    #define HOST1CFG            *(unsigned int*)(SYS_BASE + 0x044)
    /** @brief Base address of PSC memory mapped registers                        */
    #define CSL_PSC_0_BASE                      (0x01C10000u)
    #define CSL_PSC_0_MDCTL_15                  *( volatile Uint32* )( CSL_PSC_0_BASE + 0x0A3C )
    #define CSL_PSC_0_PTCMD                     *( volatile Uint32* )( CSL_PSC_0_BASE + 0x0120 )
    #define CSL_PSC_0_PTSTART                 *( volatile Uint32* )( CSL_PSC_0_BASE + 0x0128 )
    #define CSL_PSC_0_MDSTAT_15                 *( volatile Uint32* )( CSL_PSC_0_BASE + 0x083c)