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ice 3359 跑 ethercat acontis master的问题。

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS, AM3359

3359 ice v2
ccs Version:
sys\bios version

TI Industrial SDK Version - IASDK
Device name : AM3359
Chip Revision : AM335x ES1.2 [PG2.1]

SYS/BIOS EcMaster Sample application running on ICE V2
Full command line: -auxclk 2000 -v 2 -t 10000 -perf -cpsw 1 1 1 m custom am33XX 1 1 0

001476 : Run demo now with cycle time 2000 usec
001476 : Using AuxClock
001476 : ==========================
001476 : Initialize EtherCAT Master
001476 : ==========================
001476 : EC-Master V2.9.0.06 (Protected) for SYSBIOS Copyright acontis technologies GmbH @ 2016
001477 : CPSW INF: Port 1, Prio 1, Flags [Polling] [Master], Phy 1, PhyInterface 32, MAC 68:c9:0b:e4:4f:5c

001478 : CPSW INF: CPSW3G found. CPSW INF: HW-Id: 0x0019, RTL: 0, Major: 1, Minor: 0xc
001478 : CPSW ERR: mdio ACK missing
001478 : CPSW INF: mdio reg 2 read error
001478 : CPSW ERR: PHY initialization failed
001541 : CEcConfigXpat::StartElementHandler() - invalid first tag, expected EtherCATConfig
001541 : CEcConfigXpat::Init() Parse error at line 2 col 0
out of memory
001541 : Data Length 82283 CurrentLength 6912
001542 : ecatInitMaster() Cannot create EtherCAT device!
001542 : ConfigLoad() Cannot initialize Master Stack!
001542 : CPSW INF: Disable running RX-DMA
001542 : CPSW INF: RX+TX DMA disabled. Delay 500
001542 : Cannot configure EtherCAT-Master! ERROR: Wrong format of master XML file (Result = 0x9811001b)
001542 : ========================
001542 : Shutdown EtherCAT Master
001542 : ========================
001542 : Cannot stop EtherCAT-Master! ERROR: Master core not accessible (0x9811002e)
001543 : ================================================================
001543 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.2/ 11.8
001543 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.2/ 26.8
001543 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.2/ 24.4
001543 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.1/ 4.9
001543 : PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time ' (avg/max) [usec]: 448.6/2004.3
001543 : PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.2/ 4.5
001652 : EcMasterDemo stop.


ps:板子的的网口插到的port 1,且j18的pin1&pin2用跳线帽短路,把j5的pin1&pin2跳线帽短路(nor启动模式)

问题2:文档里说要用acontis 的EC-Engineer,这个是什么作用?不使用可以吗?因为联系acontis公司,公司说这个软件是需要购买的。



  • 1. 试试吧J9的pin1&pin2 也短路

    2. 看看 中的Appendix B acontis EC-Engineer Tool for Creating an .ENI File ,这个工具可以在acountis的官网上下载评估版。

  • hi,Yaoming Qin 


    1、首先,这里是是J19吧,已经把J19 pin1&pin2短路了。但是错误依旧。

    2、我就是按照那个文档的步骤来做的,但是点进去连接下载 EC-Engineer 的时候,会让输入邮箱,之后会有售前打电话过来,然后说了下价格,销售平没有说有免费版。


  •  hi,


    TI Industrial SDK Version - IASDK
    Device name     : AM3359
    Chip Revision   : AM335x ES1.2 [PG2.1]
    SYS/BIOS EcMaster Sample application running on ICE V2 
    Full command line: -auxclk 2000 -v 2 -t 10000 -perf -cpsw 1 1 1 m custom am33XX 1 1 0 
    001473 : Run demo now with cycle time 2000 usec
    001473 : Using AuxClock
    001473 : ==========================
    001473 : Initialize EtherCAT Master
    001473 : ==========================
    001473 : EC-Master V2.9.0.06 (Protected) for SYSBIOS Copyright acontis technologies GmbH @ 2016
    001474 : CPSW INF: Port 1, Prio 1, Flags [Polling] [Master], Phy 1, PhyInterface 32,  MAC 68:c9:0b:e4:4f:5c
    001475 : CPSW INF: CPSW3G found. CPSW INF: HW-Id: 0x0019, RTL: 0, Major: 1, Minor: 0xc
    001476 : CPSW INF: PHY found. Id=0x2000a211
    001476 : CPSW INF: Restart PHY auto negotiation
    003186 : CPSW INF: PHY auto negotiation completed
    003192 : CEcConfigXpat::StartElementHandler() - invalid first tag, expected EtherCATConfig 003192 : CEcConfigXpat::Init() Parse error at line 2 col 0 out of memory
    003192 : Data Length 82283 CurrentLength 6912
    003193 : ecatInitMaster() Cannot create EtherCAT device!
    003193 : ConfigLoad() Cannot initialize Master Stack!
    003193 : CPSW INF: Disable running RX-DMA
    003193 : CPSW INF: RX+TX DMA disabled. Delay 500
    003193 : Cannot configure EtherCAT-Master! ERROR: Wrong format of master XML file (Result = 0x9811001b)
    003193 : ========================
    003193 : Shutdown EtherCAT Master
    003193 : ========================
    003193 : Cannot stop EtherCAT-Master! ERROR: Master core not accessible (0x9811002e)
    003194 : ================================================================
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (avg/max) [usec]:    0.1/  9.8
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames  ' (avg/max) [usec]:    0.0/  4.2
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer       ' (avg/max) [usec]:    0.2/ 22.0
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames    ' (avg/max) [usec]:    0.1/  6.3
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time            ' (avg/max) [usec]:   49.8/1675.1
    003194 : PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd           ' (avg/max) [usec]:    0.1/  4.3
    003303 : EcMasterDemo stop.


  • 倍福和acontis的主站不一样的,如果用acontis的主站,需要用他的工具生产eni等。

    我以前用的ec-engineer 是免费的,你可以问问acontis在中国的代理能否提供使用版本,代理的联系方式在官网上有。

  • 已经可以了,用工具生成一下就可以了。非常感谢,每次都能得到你的回答,再次表示感谢。

  • Jason lee 你好,方便加QQ415258414请教你吗,我也在用这个板子做ECmaster,使用ec_master_v2.7原来的masterENI.c文件可以编译过,用bin2header.exe转换出来的Master.c编译报错是要改ATEMDemoM爱你.cpp吗,新手求助请不吝赐教
  • hi zhang tao,



  • Jason lee  你好

    环境工具是:TI v5.2.2   xdctools3.31.0.24  NDK  下载不到sysbios sdk v1.0.0.8 用的V1.1.2.1  协议栈EC-Master-V2.7 


    --cmd_file="./configPkg/compiler.opt"  "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp"
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 627: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 884: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 891: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 895: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 896: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    "F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp", line 914: warning #176-D: expression has no effect
    'Finished building: F:/EC-Master-V2.7-SYSBIOS-Eval5/Examples/EcMasterDemo/Logging.cpp'

    .out文件 load后在ccs consol显示:

    [CortxA8]  0x8140aed8  R8  = 0x00000004
    R1 = 0x00000000  R9  = 0x00000000
    R2 = 0x00000001  R10 = 0x402fb7ec
    R3 = 0x00000000  R11 = 0x0000000d
    R4 = 0x00000000  R12 = 0x20000191
    R5 = 0x00000020  SP(R13) = 0x80012628
    R6 = 0x402fb810  LR(R14) = 0x8004133c
    R7 = 0x00000024  PC(R15) = 0x80012628
    PSR = 0x2000019f
    DFSR = 0x00000008  IFSR = 0x00000000
    DFAR = 0x00000234  IFAR = 0x00000000 line 205: E_dataAbort: pc = 0x80012628, lr = 0x8004133c.
    xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

  • Jason Lee 你好,请问一下怎么获得ec engineer 测试版本,我在官网注册貌似没有反应,下不到啊,必须用这个工具生成吗。先谢谢前辈指点
  • 去他们官网申请,之后会有人给你打电话或者发邮件联系你的。

  • 感谢楼主Jason Lee 和TI工程师一直的帮助。 目前联系到了代理,拿到了EC engineer工具 使用ICE3359 V2作为ETHERCAT从站导入sdk2.0.1.2 salveDemo里的TIeni.xml ECengineer 能够找到从站 并导出ENI.xml 使用bin2header 生成eni.c后替换acontis 2.9 MasterDemo的eni.c 编译,连接从站后执行, 还是报错 ethernet cable not connect 还请指点一下。谢啦