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Capture Link功能特性

根据之前如何理解Link的帖子中说明的理解link的几个方面说明capture link功能特性如下

Property  Value 
Number of input queues  NA 
Number of output queues  4
CH from a VIP port can be sent to same or different output queue
Input Type  Interlaced / Progressive 
Input Data format  Configure up to 4 HW video ports 
YUV422 8/16-bit embedded sync mode
Non-mux / pixel mux mode
SD / HD capture 
Output Data format  YUV422/YUV420 (non-mux ONLY) 
Frame-rate control  @ input =NA
@ output = YES
Skip odd fields from D1 input on per CH basis, to reduce DDR BW in CIF DVR use-cases 
Channel enable/disable  NO 
Dynamic resolution change  @ input = NA
@ output = NO