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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR5969


产品名称 折扣 优惠码 优惠终止日期 一键添加购物车
MSP-FET - MSP430 Flash Emulation Tool 60% TIstorecool1 31-Jan 购买
MSP430FR4133 LaunchPad Development Kit 10% TIstorecool2 31-Jan 购买
MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad Development Kit 10% TIstorecool3 31-Jan 购买
430BOOST-SENSE1 - MSP430 Capacitive Touch BoosterPack 50% TIstorecool4 31-Jan 购买
430BOOST-SHARP96 - Sharp Memory LCD BoosterPack 50% TIstorecool5 31-Jan 购买
BOOST-IR-Infrared (IR) BoosterPack Plug-in Module 50% TIstorecool6 31-Jan



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  • 每人每个优惠码限用一次;每张订单消费金额最高不得超出500美金;
  • 您订购的货物将在7-10天内到达,如遇海关查验,会适当延长。