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在数据手册“Power Sequencing”部分没有看到内核VDD及VDDIO, VDD3VFL, VDDOSC, VDDA上电顺序,请问芯片启动阶段是否要先建立内核VDD电压,还是内核及外设电压不需要考虑上电顺序问题?

  • 您好!

    “Power Sequencing”下有关于上电的如下说明的:

    The voltage on VDDIO should be greater than VDD or no less than 0.3 V below VDD at all times. VDDIO,VDD3VFL, VDDOSC, and VDDA should be powered up together and be kept within 0.3 V of each other during operation. Before powering the device, no voltage larger than 0.3 V above VDDIO should be applied to any digital pin, and no voltage larger than 0.3 V above VDDA should be applied to any analog pin.