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Error connecting to the target: (Error -120 @ 0x0) This error number is used when a command is invalid. It is likely a problem with `SC_CMD' in SMG_call() selecting a function that has not been implemented. (Emulation package 5.1.641.0)

可以build 但Debug时报的错。但是可以跑其他一些example project。这个project是我自己写的,半年前用是用另一个xds100V2的仿真器 在WIN8 CCS6下跑成功了。现在换的WIN10。 求助TI官网JTAG connectivity的版块说这个错误非常少见,是jtag的driver和ccs不兼容。求大神解救!!谢谢!!!

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -120 @ 0x0)
This error number is used when a command is invalid.
It is likely a problem with `SC_CMD' in SMG_call()
selecting a function that has not been implemented.
(Emulation package 5.1.641.0)