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求助specifies ISA revision "C2800", which is not compatible with ISA revision "C28FPU32" specified in a previous file or on the command line

warning #16002-D: build attribute vendor section TI missing in "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<boot.obj>": compatibility cannot be determined
error #16008-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<boot.obj>" specifies ISA revision "C2800", which is not compatible with ISA revision "C28FPU32" specified in a previous file or on the command line
error #16019-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<boot.obj>" specifies small memory model, which is not compatible with large memory model specified in a previous file or on the command line
warning #16002-D: build attribute vendor section TI missing in "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<exit.obj>": compatibility cannot be determined
error #16008-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<exit.obj>" specifies ISA revision "C2800", which is not compatible with ISA revision "C2700" specified in a previous file or on the command line
error #16019-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<exit.obj>" specifies small memory model, which is not compatible with large memory model specified in a previous file or on the command line
warning #16002-D: build attribute vendor section TI missing in "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<_lock.obj>": compatibility cannot be determined
error #16008-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<_lock.obj>" specifies ISA revision "C2800", which is not compatible with ISA revision "C2700" specified in a previous file or on the command line
error #16019-D: file "../DSP2833x_headers/include/rts2800_eh.lib<_lock.obj>" specifies small memory model, which is not compatible with large memory model specified in a previous file or on the command line