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DSP28035烧录时出现 low power mode错误

我使用的是TMS320F28035芯片,在烧录程序的时候经常会出现low-power mode的错误提示,无法烧录。经检测dsp供电正常,仿真器也没有问题。还有可能是什么问题.


Trouble Reading FP Register:
(Error -1156 @ 0x1)
Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode?
(Emulation package 5.0.681.0)


C28xx: Flash Programmer: Warning: The configured device (TMS320F28035), does not match the detected device (). Flash Programming operations could be affected. Please consider modifying your target configuration file.
C28xx: Trouble Reading FP Register: (Error -1156 @ 0x1) Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode? (Emulation package 5.0.681.0) 
C28xx: GEL Output: 
Device Calibration not complete, check if device is unlocked and recalibrate.C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error erasing Flash memory.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Warning: Target was left running after a reset during a Flash operation.

C28xx: Warning: Target was left running after a reset during a Flash operation.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: GEL Output: 
Device Calibration not complete, check if device is unlocked and recalibrate.
