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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310


  • cc1310属于无线系列芯片,请到以下论坛咨询。

    硬件, 射频和私有技术

  • HI,请参考:
    // Convenience macro to make the code more readable
    // Set Clock.tickPeriod in the .cfg file
    #define Clock_convertSecondsToTicks(seconds) \
        (((seconds) * 1000000) / (Clock_tickPeriod))
    // Solution 1
    // ----------
    // Reserve memory for the clock object
    Clock_Struct clock;
    uint32_t timeoutTicks = Clock_convertSecondsToTicks(30);
    // Create a one-shot timer
    Clock_construct(&clock, &Serial_TimerCallback, timeoutTicks, NULL);
    // Start the timer
    // Solution 2
    // ----------
    uint32_t timeoutTicks = Clock_convertSecondsToTicks(30);
    // Create a one-shot timer somewhere on the heap
    Clock_Handle clock = Clock_create(&Serial_TimerCallback, timeoutTicks, NULL, NULL);
    // Start the timer
    // Solution 3
    // ----------
    // Create a static clock object in the .cfg file
    // The init code is automatically generated by xdctools
    var clock0Params = new Clock.Params(); = "clock"; = Clock.create("&Serial_TimerCallback", 30, clock0Params);
    // Start the clock somewhere in your program
    extern const Clock_Handle clock;