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请教 FR系列 写变量到fram中的问题 掉电不丢失的变量

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPBSL


比如:const int x @ 0x3333 = 123;




  • 可以参考这个帖子

  • Guo Yan 说:


    比如:const int x @ 0x3333 = 123;





    __persistent 来定义
     *                       MSP430 CODE EXAMPLE DISCLAIMER
     * MSP430 code examples are self-contained low-level programs that typically
     * demonstrate a single peripheral function or device feature in a highly
     * concise manner. For this the code may rely on the device's power-on default
     * register values and settings such as the clock configuration and care must
     * be taken when combining code from several examples to avoid potential side
     * effects. Also see for a GUI- and
     * for an API functional library-approach to peripheral configuration.
     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    //   MSP430FR243x Demo - FRAM write, use #pragma PERSISTENT to initialize variable in FRAM.
    //   Description: Program use #pragma PERSISTENT(in CCS) or __persistent(in IAR) 
    //                to statically-initialize variable Port_event in FRAM.
    //                Download and run the program. Program automatically enters
    //                LPM4.5 and measure the current. Use button S1 (or P1.3) on the
    //                target board to wake the device up from LPM4.5 and toggle the 
    //                LED (on P1.0). The interrupt times will be recorded in FRAM
    //                and blink the LED (on P1.0) if more than 5 times.                
    //                This demo was tested on MSP-EXP430FR2433 target board.
    //   ACLK = XT1 = 32kHz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCODIV = ~1MHz.
    //            MSP430FR2433
    //         -----------------
    //     /|\|                 |
    //      | |                 |
    //      | |                 |
    //      --|RST              |
    //        |                 |
    //        |                 |
    //        |             P1.0|-->LED
    //        |                 |
    //        |             P1.3|<--- S1 push-button
    //  Ling Zhu
    //  Texas Instruments Inc.
    //  Aug 2015
    //  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench v6.10 & Code Composer Studio v6.0.1
    #include <msp430.h>
    // Statically-initialized variable
    #ifdef __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__
    #pragma PERSISTENT(Port_event)
    unsigned long Port_event = 0;
    #elif __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
    __persistent unsigned long Port_event = 0;
    // Port the following variable to an equivalent persistent functionality for the specific compiler being used
    unsigned long Port_event = 0;
    void initGpio(void);
    int main(void)
        WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;               // Stop WDT
        // Configure GPIO
        // Determine whether we are coming out of an LPMx.5 or a regular RESET.
        if (SYSRSTIV == SYSRSTIV_LPM5WU)        // MSP430 just woke up from LPMx.5
            // Add the variable Port_event in FRAM to record the button event
            SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;            // Program FRAM write enable
            Port_event++;                       // Record the port event in FRAM
            SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;     // Program FRAM write protected (not writable)
                P1OUT |= BIT0;                  // P1.0 = toggle
                P1OUT &= ~BIT0;                 // P1.0 = toggle
            }while (Port_event >= 5);           // Recorded 5 port interrupts?
        // Device powered up from a cold start.
        // It configures the device and puts the device into LPM4.5
        P1DIR &= ~(BIT3);                       // Configure P1.3 as input direction pin
        P1OUT |= BIT3;                          // Configure P1.3 as pulled-up
        P1REN |= BIT3;                          // P1.3 pull-up register enable
        P1IES |= BIT3;                          // P1.3 Hi/Low edge
        P1IFG = 0;                              // Clear all P1 interrupt flags
        P1IE |= BIT3;                           // P1.3 interrupt enabled
        // Explicitly clear RTC control registers to disable it
        // just incase if the RTC was previously enabled
        RTCCTL = 0;
    #ifdef __MSP430_HAS_LCD_E__
        // Explicitly disable the LCD module
        // just incase if the LCD was previously enabled
        LCDCTL0 = 0;
        PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H;                    // Open PMM Registers for write
        PMMCTL0_L |= PMMREGOFF;                 // and set PMMREGOFF
        PMMCTL0_H = 0;                          // Lock PMM Registers
        // Enter LPM4 Note that this operation does not return. The LPM4.5
        // will exit through a RESET event, resulting in a re-start
        // of the code.
        __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits | GIE);
    void initGpio()
        P1DIR = 0xFB; P2DIR = 0xFF; P3DIR = 0xFF; 
        P1REN = 0xFF; P2REN = 0xFF; P3REN = 0xFF; 
        P1OUT = 0x00; P2OUT = 0x00; P3OUT = 0x00; 
        // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode
        // to activate previously configured port settings
        PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;
  • 具体使用方法见 IAR 安装目录下的 EW430_CompilerReference.pdf

  • 非常感谢,这种方法应该也可以做远程升级吧?请问,远程升级有什么好办法吗?

  • 非常感谢,这个方法对我来说简单高效。谢谢~另外,您知道远程升级有什么好办法吗?

  • Guo Yan 说:



    远程升级一般用 BSL 

  • 谢谢,麻烦您,再请教下,使用__persistent的时候能定义这个变量放在那个地址吗?

  • Guo Yan 说:



    #pragma location=

  • 你好,IAR下使用了“#pragma location=”和“__persistent”会有错误提示“a __persistent variable may not be const, __no_init, or located ”,请问该怎么处理?