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如题,UARTStdioConfig 这个函数可以再哪里可以找到。


  • 这个函数不是库函数中的函数,应该是自己写的配置函数。标准的配置函数应该是这个

    UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(), 115200,

  • ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(), C API 在"\\driverlib\uart.c

    UARTStdioConfig(), C API 在 "\\utils\uartstdio.c"

  • 果然是第三方库的函数,我说么怎么在外设库中找不到。

  • 这个函数是在utils\uartstdio.c中实现的。

    //! Configures the UART console.
    //! \param ui32PortNum is the number of UART port to use for the serial console
    //! (0-2)
    //! \param ui32Baud is the bit rate that the UART is to be configured to use.
    //! \param ui32SrcClock is the frequency of the source clock for the UART
    //! module.
    //! This function will configure the specified serial port to be used as a
    //! serial console. The serial parameters are set to the baud rate
    //! specified by the \e ui32Baud parameter and use 8 bit, no parity, and 1 stop
    //! bit.
    //! This function must be called prior to using any of the other UART console
    //! functions: UARTprintf() or UARTgets(). This function assumes that the
    //! caller has previously configured the relevant UART pins for operation as a
    //! UART rather than as GPIOs.
    //! \return None.
    UARTStdioConfig(uint32_t ui32PortNum, uint32_t ui32Baud, uint32_t ui32SrcClock)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT((ui32PortNum == 0) || (ui32PortNum == 1) ||
    (ui32PortNum == 2));

    #ifdef UART_BUFFERED
    // In buffered mode, we only allow a single instance to be opened.
    ASSERT(g_ui32Base == 0);

    // Check to make sure the UART peripheral is present.

    // Select the base address of the UART.
    g_ui32Base = g_ui32UARTBase[ui32PortNum];

    // Enable the UART peripheral for use.

    // Configure the UART for 115200, n, 8, 1
    MAP_UARTConfigSetExpClk(g_ui32Base, ui32SrcClock, ui32Baud,

    #ifdef UART_BUFFERED
    // Set the UART to interrupt whenever the TX FIFO is almost empty or
    // when any character is received.
    MAP_UARTFIFOLevelSet(g_ui32Base, UART_FIFO_TX1_8, UART_FIFO_RX1_8);

    // Flush both the buffers.

    // Remember which interrupt we are dealing with.
    g_ui32PortNum = ui32PortNum;

    // We are configured for buffered output so enable the master interrupt
    // for this UART and the receive interrupts. We don't actually enable the
    // transmit interrupt in the UART itself until some data has been placed
    // in the transmit buffer.
    MAP_UARTIntDisable(g_ui32Base, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    MAP_UARTIntEnable(g_ui32Base, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT);

    // Enable the UART operation.