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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C129EKCPDT

 我有一个TM4C129的开发版DK-TM4C 129x,我的工程已经在这个开发板上完成了绝大部分的工作,现在我们自己做的板子已经回来,选用的是TM4C129EKCPDT,用自己的XDS100V2连接我们的目标板,Test Connection  可以通过测试,但是直接在CCS6中点F11进行编译连接下载时(代码不变,可能和封装和pin脚分配有关),编译没有问题,首次接入时有弹出进度条,但是很快就结束了,弹框报错如下:

Error connecting to the target: (Error -1170 @ 0x0) Unable to access the DAP. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).


用板载ICDI仿真器(接法和XDS100V2)通过LM Flash Programmer读取TM4C129EKCPDT ,的MAC地址 提示 Unable to initialize target - 0

用LM Flash Programmer Unlock ,按操作完成了,也没有任何反应。




其中有用IDCI调试后换到XDS100V2 调试,和首次链接现象一样。若首次连接后,就不会弹出进度条,直接报错 Error 1170

  • 是不是程序中操作调试和下载的JTAG接口,所以锁死了,无法再次连接了。你下载一个最简单的LED程序进去,应该是没有问题的。

  • 我现在无法链接也可以下载进去么?

    同一个代码 我在DK-TM4C 129x 可以正常运行,在我的板上不能正常运行。ps 两款芯片的烧录口都是PC0 、PC1 、PC2 、PC3


  • 尝试下以下步骤:

    1] Start CCS and launch your target configuration.
    2] In the debug windows, right click on your emulator and select "Show all Cores"
    3] Expend Non-Debuggable Devices.
    4] Right click on emulator/IcePick and select connect target. (This should work)
    5] Right click on emulator/Dap and select connect target.
    5.1] If this is working, go to 6
    5.2] If this is not working, there is a lot of chance you have lock the part with AJSM.
    6] Open a memory windows at address 0xFFFF_FF00 (system module)
    7] write 0x00 at address 0xFFFF_FFFE This will generate a system reset.
    8] In the debug windows, right click on emulator/CortexR0 and select Connect Target.
    9] If this is ok, go to Tools->On-Chip Flash. Erase Option "Entire Flash" and click on "Erase Flash"
    10] Disconnect, reset and restart your debugger as usual. It should work now.

    11] At that point, the code in flash is forcing the device in some kind of lock mode. A deep debug is necessary.

  • 是的,所以怀疑你程序是否下载进去了呢?