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Peripheral+Broadcaster 混合模式, 在被讀取服務列表時 有嚴重延時



I believe I have solved this.

Here are my steps to getting the TI provided SimpleBLEPeripheral to work as a Peripheral + Broadcaster Role:

1) Follow the TI instructions (enable PLUS_BROADCASTER, exclude peripheral.c, include peripheralBroadcaster.c)

{Steps 2 through 6 are all done in peripheralBroadcaster.c}

2) Change line 45: #include "hci.h" to: #include "hci_tl.h"

<<Now the Project Compiles>>


<<Now the device will  advertise>>

4) In peripheralBroadcaster.c: After line 970: insert this line: VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT );

<<Now the device continues to advertise after it has connected to a central device>>

5) Change line 927: comment out: //gapRole_AdvEnabled = FALSE;

6) After line 927: insert this line: VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT, 1000 );

<<Now, after disconnecting from central device, the device will resume advertising (after 1000 ms)>>

如此確實可以於連結時 同時廣播

但如此修改代碼 會讓主機獲得服務列表時 變的非常緩慢 (discovering service)

我用的主機是安卓上的BLE scanner

設為純外設(peripheral)模式: 連結後獲得服務列表 最慢1秒 ,  大多情況是小於人反應速度

但peripheral + Broadcaster  混合模式,   服物列表要最少要五秒才會顯示在手機上

除了讀取服務外 於讀取characteristics列表 與讀取數據 雖然慢了一些些 不過還可接受

那請問該如何修改代碼, 讓服務列表可被讀取得更快呢


註: 本人是使用 1.3.2藍牙棧   能否不要升級為1.4.X呢 本人的IAR無法使用之...