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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2430, CC2530


#define HAL_BOARD_INIT() \
{ \
uint16 i; \
SLEEPCMD &= ~OSC_PD; /* turn on 16MHz RC and 32MHz XOSC */ \
while (!(SLEEPSTA & XOSC_STB)); /* wait for 32MHz XOSC stable */ \
asm("NOP"); /* chip bug workaround */ \
for (i=0; i<504; i++) asm("NOP"); /* Require 63us delay for all revs */ \
CLKCONCMD = (CLKCONCMD_32MHZ | OSC_32KHZ); /* Select 32MHz XOSC and the source for 32K clock */ \
while (CLKCONSTA != (CLKCONCMD_32MHZ | OSC_32KHZ)); /* Wait for the change to be effective */ \
SLEEPCMD |= OSC_PD; /* turn off 16MHz RC */ \



但是CC2530用户手册中关于寄存器SLEEPCMD ,SLEEPSTA 的描述却是如下图

