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BOOSTXL-CC3135: In non-RTOS environments, the sl_start function returns an exception

Part Number: BOOSTXL-CC3135
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3135
I built the test code based on the routines in the sdk。The pseudo-code is as follows:
int main(){

After executing the above code, the sl_start function does not return normally. Further debugging found:
1、Program flow blocking position for _SlDrvWaitForInternalAsyncEvent, sl_SyncObjWait function have been waiting for a semaphore release, and sl_SyncObjSignal and sl_SyncObjSignalFromIRQ has not been called.
2、add breakpoint discovery in the external interrupt callback function, enter sl_start and pull up the nHIB pin, soon CC3135 pulls up the Host IRQ pin and then calls sl_Spawn
3、According to the design structure of sdk, a sl_IfRead/Write task is added to sl_Task in sl_Spawn.From the design structure of sdk. A sl_IfRead/Write task is added to sl_Task in sl_Spawn. Send information after the call flow sl_Task, MCU, CC3135 complete response after _SlDrvWaitForInternalAsyncEvent will receive semaphore, continue to implement the back of the process
4、In the above mentioned test, however, sl_start function needs to be terminated before sl_Task can be executed. This leads to a deadlock like state.

  • 您好,







  • 您好。我重新梳理了一下,根据您提供的信息,代码运行后出现了死锁的状态,sl_start函数无法正常返回,因为它在等待一个信号量释放。



    Sl_Start – This function initializes the communication interface, sets the enable pin of the device, and calls
    to the init complete callback. If no callback function is provided, the function is blocking until the device
    finishes the initialization process.

    _i16 sl_Start(const void* pIfHdl, _i8* pDevName, const P_INIT_CALLBACK pInitCallBack);

    所以您可以重点检查一下你是否在 sl_start 提供了回调函数。